Send in your stories

Share Your Story – Make a Difference

We believe that together, we can transform the way care is delivered by breaking the silence wherever help is needed. As a unified voice of compassionate people committed to the well-being of all, your story can be the catalyst for change.

You have the power to impact lives. By sharing your experiences, you can help us shine a light on the issues that matter most. Rest assured, your privacy is important to us. According to Healthcare Quality and Compliance guidelines, you can remain anonymous. While there is a possibility that the Board of Nursing may contact you during an investigation, our nursing attorney advises that you can choose to stay anonymous with us.

Short staffing is a dangerous and unacceptable practice that compromises everyone's safety due to time constraints. As a nurse, my goal is to keep you safe and informed, teaching you the importance of creating a paper trail. Our collective voice can expose the mistreatment of individuals and bring about the changes needed for a happier, healthier community.

We are here to help you piece everything together and guide you back to well-being. If you have questions or need support, we're just a phone call away. By sharing your story, you contribute to our mission of advocating for humanity in healthcare.