About Us: We Are the Nurses

Updated September 2024

Hello, I'm Katrina, a registered nurse since 2009, based in Las Vegas, NV. In 2015, I founded this organization after witnessing the challenges faced by healthcare workers and patients in large healthcare facilities. Poor treatment of staff and substandard patient care inspired me to create a platform dedicated to advocating for humanity and safety in healthcare. Our mission is simple: to provide free nurse advocacy services to as many people as possible.

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to receive the support of colleagues from across the country, all of whom share a common vision—doing what’s right for the well-being of all. Together, we’ve pooled our resources to keep this free assistance available to anyone in need, and we are deeply grateful for the support we’ve received from each of you.

Our work extends beyond just nurses; we’re here to assist patients, families, healthcare workers, and anyone in the community who needs support. We strive to educate and empower you to take charge of your health, with the ultimate goal of helping you heal yourself. Our services are available to anyone, anywhere, 24/7.

One of the significant issues we continue to address is the chronic understaffing in healthcare facilities. This problem has worsened over the years, leading to burnout and illness among healthcare workers. We’ve taken action by reporting these facilities to state agencies when they fail to maintain safe staffing levels and provide proper protective gear. Although some facilities treat their employees, patients, and families better than others, the problem remains widespread.

In 2013, alongside many dedicated nurses, we fought to pass the second staffing law in the nation, mandating safe patient-to-nurse ratios (following California’s lead). Unfortunately, large healthcare corporations have since exploited loopholes in Senate Bill No. 362 (2013), Senate Bill No. 361 (2015), and a gutted bill we have today in 2024. Despite these challenges, our advocacy has made a significant impact, redefining what it means to be a healthcare worker in today’s world.

However, from 2013 to 2024, our efforts have been undermined by special interest groups, which have influenced lawmakers to weaken the strong language of these bills. As a result, we’ve seen terrible outcomes for our patients and their families, with nurses striking coast to coast for safety and basic human rights in healthcare. My team is here to support you every step of the way, providing you with the knowledge to stay alive and well.

At WeAreTheNurses, we encourage everyone to spread the word about our services. If you or someone you know is facing challenges in any healthcare setting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (702) 900-1342. We’re here to help or connect you with critical resources, no matter where you are in the country.

My purpose in creating this site is to ensure the public knows we are here to support you during difficult times. Our team is dedicated to being a resource when you just need a nurse. Given the current staffing crisis due to bedside fatigue and the need for self-care among healthcare workers, our services are more crucial than ever. We also assist in assisting the forming of unions to ensure workers’ rights are protected as well.

We invite you to join our caring and healing community, made up of people who are passionate about keeping you well. Together, as members of the public, we have the power to make vital changes. We are committed to ensuring your voice is heard, even if you wish to remain anonymous. Thank you for your support in this important mission.

NLRB win: Mid-Summer Pop Quiz: Cold Beer From The Enforcement Agencies? | Bullard Law

SB362.doc (state.nv.us) Staffing Bill passed in 2013

SB361.pdf (state.nv.us) Staffing Bill revised in 2015

A table of important nurse-to-patient ratios
Total Number of Registered Nurses in US
Total Number of States Addressed Nurse Staffing in Hospitals
Total Number of Back Injuries Among Nurses
Total Number of Licensed Practical Nurse

Join us today so we can continue to move forward with a change for our wellbeing.