New days in Nursing Legislature 2017

We are finally are here in the 2017 legislative session and lets start with whats important:
1. We want actual staffing ratios in the staffing bill, from what I hear they are not even going to propose this which is sad due to the fact that all the assignment despite objection forms can and will show all the errors or safety issues that are always linked to short staffing.
2. Nurse compact bill- when you try to bring anyone on in from any other state that has not been upheld to the standards of that state this can dilute standards of care. Also if and when an RN does wrong it is easy for them to flee to another state and not be found out for months, allowing them to harm anyone thereafter.
3. Advocating and turning up during these votes or committees to stand your ground as a nurse and voice your bedside stories as relevant issues that we face like short staffing are essential in moving the hearts of those non-medical people in session that have no idea unless we tell them.

So I please ask you to contact us or your local union for any possible way you can help force the hand of change for our healthcare professionals and patients that suffer daily from lack of care from fatigued staff.

4 thoughts on “New days in Nursing Legislature 2017

    1. Squeeze your brother for me, this site was created due to these administrations that try their best to silence their workers with intimidation, but I found a loop hole, just tell on them lol, and publish it so all can see. Thank you again for your love for this harsh reality that is most of our hospitals. I can be reached whenever you need a hand when it comes to the safety of all our loved ones.

  1. Yes thank you this city is amazing with its healthcare due to its workers. More is to come, thank you for your interest in our truths.

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