We are always here to help you, your patients, and any human that needs a nurse advocate to help them through anything that deals with their health and well-being. We the nurses are still having daily issues with staffing of nurses, CNAs, cleaning staff, respiratory therapists, and every person in a facility is short staffed therefore you suffer 100% guaranteed whether you are the patient or healthcare worker. We plead to all to inform us of your experiences so that we can report that facility to the proper state agency so we can file a complaint and have it investigated. I stive to get the local news involved and as always you can stay anonymous. The only way change can be made to any healthcare facility or state facility that is in charge of the safety and well-being of all is for you to tip us off so we can report them in every way possible to implement the change we all need. Short staffing, understaffing on purpose is everyone’s strategy nowadays sadly but we do not have to put up with it, so join us anyway you can so we can change it for every human all the time. Thank you and call us at 702-900-1342 or email us as bedsidenurses@gmail.com. We are always available for all your needs.