We did it! We got there and sat down and ran through the halls with our key people in the legislature that are on the Health and Human Services committee. They have a strong voting power with changing the nation’s 2nd staffing law by putting in actual ratios for nurses and certified nursing assistants. We either had to squeeze in an appointment or run with them down the halls to speak our stories of how the last 4 years with our current law has been filled with greedy hospitals choosing not to listen to our direct reports to patients falling, acquiring infections, near death, and death because of poor staffing throughout all our facilities. Although the current law states we are supposed to get together and go over the issues regarding the assignment despite objection forms so that we can agree to actual ratios. They side swiped us every year since 2013 and had “others” sign the staffing in January without a bedside workers voice. I ask that if you are a health care worker, please call into the Nevada Legislature to the following senators and assembly members to tell them what you see and why it is so important they understand that ratio and acuity of patients’ needs to be the language. And that they actually do what the bill was intended to accomplish: safe staffing. And that is to save lives . Tell them “I WANT RATIOS IN THE BILL”
By Calling all those below and telling them we need actual ratios and not these committees in our facilities that are a joke! We are sending a clear message that all the healthcare workers are affected by short staffing.
Senator Patricia Spearman (sponsor of the bill-one to write in the actual ratios and acuity language)
775-684-1424 Fax (session only) 684-6500
Senator Joyce Woodhouse 775-684-1457 fax 684-6522
Senator Julia Ratti 775-684-1433 fax 684-6522
Assembly Woman Amber Joiner office 775-684-8559 fax 684-8533 cell 775-338-6733
Senator Yvanna Cancela office 775-684-1427 fax 775-684-6522
Assemblyman Michael Sprinkle 775-742-5935 office 775-684-8841 Fax 684-8533
Assembly Woman Teresa Benitez-Thompson cell 775-247-7665 office 775-684-8845 fax 684-8533
Assemblyman Steve Yeager 775-684-85-49 fax 684-8533