Today is the launch of the site so that we can voice together the conditions in which healthcare facilities are caring for our loved ones in their greatest time of need. I am committed to working to change nursing, certified nursing assistances, respiratory therapists, and every single healthcare worker that assists in the safe steady flow of caring for the sick and dying. I am here to tell you that here in Las Vegas, Nevada we are among the worst in the nation for healthcare workers to be employed. Why? Because 90% of our healthcare facilities are run by private for profit management. They are known by us to cut necessary staff for profit rather than for the benefit of the patient and their families. Who wants to be sick? No one! But when we are sick we rely on the services in our hospitals, nursing homes, quick care, assisted living, home health, etc.. If you can think of a place that needs staff to care for your loved ones, this is our passion. These facilities all over are short staffing us on purpose. Now of course you have a shortage here and there and the here and there has turned into “all the time” and that’s the issue. Here in Nevada we are the 2nd state in the nation to have a bill that protects us but the power of a for profit facility, but that didn’t stop them from firing staff all over for doing whats “right” and speaking out. This is a right to work state and advocates like us have felt their “corporate” wrath for trying to make a needed change. Every short staffing study proves one thing: it only increases the risk of falls, infections, and pressure ulcers. We the nurses have been the trusted profession for 15 years in a row. We have every reason to bring into the public eye the neglect that these “healing” facilities claim to be. I ask you to spread the word and have your story heard anonymously. Do you need an advocate? We are here! We have the green light from Health Care Quality and Compliance to publish theses stories once turned in to investigate. Call us, email us. We are waiting to help you help us all.